Wednesday 31 August 2016

How To Find The Cybersecurity IT Position Worth Pursuing For Life

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Are you planning on shifting to cybersecurity from your general IT position?

At some point in our lives, we want to excel and move on to better positions in our professional industry. In the IT industry, most professionals seek out higher positions in Cybersecurity because it is one industry where you can get a pretty good job position that pays well and gives tons of benefits. Even more, there are several jobs in IT security that can lead to some pretty amazing high level positions in the industry.

But the real question is, how do you begin? How do you know which position is worth pursuing in IT security? Below are some headlines you can which can help you find the right career path.

Start by discovering your passion

  • Every individual has a different preference and passion. Before you can find the best career in the IT security industry, you need to learn about your passions. What do you like doing the most? Do you like bug hunting? Developing software? or finding threats in systems and networks?

Once you have discovered what moves you, start acquiring the right skills and knowledge in that field. Master every tool and software required to operate in the field until you become the go-to source for that.

Start examining job postings

  • Once you have learned your passion and know what career you want to follow, start looking at various job postings from cybersecurity companies or companies that require cybersecurity professionals. This way you will learn about the skills and knowledge popular to that career.

Find a recruiter

  • Once you have decided to pursue a career in a certain field, start finding a recruiter that will help you look for jobs in the industry. But you must make sure that the recruiter you work with must know about your particular requirements and understands the experience you hold.

Create professional social media profiles

  • If you are not looking for a job, or if you have already found a job worth working for, you should still create a professional profile on social media where people can learn more about you. This way employers will send you offers.

See if the job requires traveling

  • Before you find the perfect career, you must make sure whether your position requires traveling or not. Depending on your personal preferences, you can find a job that requires no traveling or a job that requires frequent traveling to other places. A lot of employers will ask you if you are willing to go to other places to get the job done.

Find people at conferences

  • If you have found the perfect IT job and company, you should start by visiting conferences. Many IT conferences have VIP guests from big name companies who regularly attend these conferences. By attending one of these, you can directly get in touch with people you want to work with.

Friend the HR Guy

  • Speaking of conferences, many companies also send in their HR staff to find new professionals to hire. If any of the conferences you attend happen to have a HR guy attending, go and friend him immediately. Get his contact details and exchange emails. This way you may be informed about openings inside the company that are often not advertised outside.

When Nothing Works

If you are still unable to find your dream job, don’t worry. Consider joining a position that is less attractive and start growing from there on.

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Does Having Windows On Your Laptop Make Top IT Security Professionals Misjudge You?

windows-laptop-hackedThis is a very common question between newcomers to cybersecurity and ethical hacking in general. It seems that most experienced ethical hackers prefer using OSX and Linux to Windows. That’s why a lot of newbies feel that they will be judged if a professional sees Windows on their system.

Popular hacker Adrian Lamo had a say on this recently.

He said that yes, while a lot of people will probably have Linux or OSX installed on their machines, it would not be right to judge someone by the cover.

In his early days during DEFCON attendance, Lamo was sitting at the conference with his laptop running Windows and was connected to the internet using TCP/IP. He told that he too encountered some folk walking by looking at him using AOL and laughed as they passed by. He wasn’t really surprised at that time because AOL didn’t really had a good repo amongst the hacker community. So he was instantly ranked a n00b.

But then he recalled that many of those people who judged him didn’t know that AOL had a exploit in it that allowed him to create accounts that would allow him to log in and drop off the system within the next 17 minutes with absolutely no trace left behind while still remaining connected.

He also said that AOL at that time had a virtual network adapter which allowed him to configure his own network preferences to connect to the internet using the address that was assigned to that adapter. This allowed him to browse in complete invisibility.

So in short, according to Lamo, a good craftsman does not need special tools to work with. They are capable of big things using the tools that are made available to them. So whether you use Linux, OSX or Windows, it does not make you a noob or a pro. There will still be people who will judge you, but your skills are what matters the most.

When asked if Lamo would judge anyone using Windows on their machine, he said absolutely not. No one should judge by the books cover.

So whether you use Windows or not, it’s the skill set that matters. Show your skills to IT experts and that should get you the label of IT professional instead of a noob.

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Hack Brief: 4-Year-Old Dropbox Hack Exposed 68 Million People’s Data

Hack Brief: 4-Year-Old Dropbox Hack Exposed 68 Million People’s Data
Dropbox had a security “incident” in 2012, but the true scale and severity of that hack is only now coming to light. The post Hack Brief: 4-Year-Old Dropbox Hack Exposed 68 Million People’s Data appeared first on WIRED.

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Businesses struggling with EU-US data transfer uncertainty

Businesses are facing a highly complex regulatory landscape due to uncertainty around the future of transatlantic data transfers, according to the initial findings of an IAPP report

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KYC: a financial services business enabler

In the financial services arena, know your customer (KYC) is set to emerge as a key strategic element of organisations’ business models

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Cyber security breaches reported to ICO double in a year

An increase in cyber security incidents reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office is further evidence of the need to shift to automated, artificial intelligence-led defences, says Huntsman Security

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Evidence of DNS tunnelling in two-fifths of business networks

Cyber criminals are capitalising on the failure of many businesses to examine their DNS traffic for malware insertion and data exfiltration, according to Infoblox

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Prism and the law: The state of play in August 2016

Computer Weekly assesses the history, legal aspects and latest developments in the story of the mass surveillance programme launched by the US National Security Agency

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Forget Software—Now Hackers Are Exploiting Physics

Forget Software—Now Hackers Are Exploiting Physics
An emerging form of hacking techniques targets the fundamental physical properties of computation. The post Forget Software—Now Hackers Are Exploiting Physics appeared first on WIRED.

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Swift warns banks of fresh wave of cyber heists

An undisclosed number of banks have been targeted and some have lost money in a new wave of cyber thefts, Swift has warned

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Security Think Tank: Blended attacks require blended defences

How can businesses best prepare their cyber defences in light of the fact that attackers are increasingly using malware designed to evade detection and analysis?

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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Asean ministers discuss Europol equivalent in Singapore

Governments in Southeast Asia are considering setting up a regional equivalent of Europol to help fight cyber crime

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Here Are Some Ways You Can Learn About Penetration Testing As A Beginner

Penetration TestingIf you are an aspiring penetration tester, you’ve come to the right place. We not only have tons of resources to help you get started, we also have a list of professional certifications that help you gear up for a professional career as a pen tester.

What the experts have to say?

If you ask an expert, the real answer would be to start by gaining some practical knowledge. For example, a site known as Hack This Site helps aspiring hackers to understand system penetration.

You can also use the virtualization technique to learn pen testing. Simply set up a Hyper-V or VMware image on a web server or any db server. Then get a friend to set up passwords on these servers which you are not aware of. Start doing this on the rest of VM you have set and start breaking them down. Since this is a virtual machine, you will get an experience of actually hacking a machine. This way you will learn a multitude of skills.

If practical stuff doesn’t work for you, you can select a number of professional certifications to learn penetration testing. If you want to prepare for these certifications, there are even free online courses to help you get started.

Benefits of doing free courses

Cybersecurity is an industry that is constantly growing and the need to defend information rich systems is growing day by day. Hence a lot of people are now offering online courses to help you get started. In these courses, you will learn to hack systems step by step. You will also learn how certain networks work and react to outsiders when attacked. These are extremely important to learn about if you are looking for a good career in pen testing.

Once you have gained the skills needed to land a job, head over to our penetration tester page to learn more about where to seek jobs, how to hone your skills and which degree programs can help you enhance your skills and add positive points to your resume.

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Encryption hiding malware in half of cyber attacks

Cyber attackers are using encryption to hide malicious activity, making it increasingly difficult to find as more organisations turn to encryption to protect data, a study has revealed

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Less than a third of organisations prepare for IoT security risks

The security industry needs to address the security basics with the growing number of IoT devices in corporate networks, according to security firm Tripwire

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Monday 29 August 2016

Hack Brief: As FBI Warns Election Sites Got Hacked, All Eyes Are on Russia

Hack Brief: As FBI Warns Election Sites Got Hacked, All Eyes Are on Russia
Two-hundred thousand voter records were stolen from the Illinois board of elections, and a few murky clues point yet again to Russian hackers. The post Hack Brief: As FBI Warns Election Sites Got Hacked, All Eyes Are on Russia appeared first on WIRED.

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How To Become The Top Entry Level Candidate That Gets Noticed By HR

Entry level cybersecurity jobs

Get accepted for entry level cybersecurity jobs

Cyber security is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing jobs sector in the world with some of the job positions being the top most sought out for. So if you are already trying your luck at getting into cybersecurity, you are in a great position to land a job. However, some of these positions require you to be highly qualified in terms of technical skills and knowledge, which means you will have to go through extensive schooling, earning multiple certifications and getting years of on hands experience in cybersecurity.

We have compiled a list of important ‘To-Dos’ for anyone who is looking to enter cybersecurity through an entry level position. If you are that person, read on.

Entry Level Positions – How To Secure Them

A lot of new job seekers tend to fail miserably at job hunting because they are not prepared enough. Cybersecurity is a competitive field where candidates are experienced and have tons of knowledge and technical skills. As a new comer, you have probably spent months trying to search for the right job and almost always failed to gain it.

Fortunately for you, there are about 1 million openings still waiting to be filled in the cybersecurity sector alone. As cybercrime is becoming more and more powerful force to reckon with, companies and governments require more and more professionals to deal with it.

So even though there is no shortage of jobs in the cybersecurity sector, you may still face a lot of hurdles due to inexperience and lack of knowledge. Following are the challenges most newcomers face:

  • Lack of knowledge
  • Lack of practical skills
  • Lack of professional certifications
  • Incomplete education

If you lack any of the above necessary skills or knowledge, you will be overshadowed by thousands of other entry level candidates. In order to improve your chances, follow the advice below:

Focus on something – The best way to land a job in cybersecurity is to choose a field and then religiously gain knowledge and technical skills needed to excel in it. For example, if you have chosen to become an intrusion detector, learn about it, get professional certifications and volunteer with companies.

Gain Knowledge – There is no shortage of cybersecurity degrees, online courses and other resources which gives you plenty of knowledge regarding just about any field in cybersecurity. Never stop learning more about the field. Gain additional skills, learn new technologies, attend conferences, discuss new threats in forums and talk to senior level cybersecurity professionals wherever you can find them.

Grow your network – For any job, growing your network means more connections. When more people find out about you, and if they think you are useful, you will be surprised how many employers will be interested in acquiring you. Employers tend to hire people if they are referenced by someone who is already in the cybersecurity field. So befriend people who are already working in companies and watch the offers flow in your email.

The post How To Become The Top Entry Level Candidate That Gets Noticed By HR appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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Why Social Networking Is Important When Job Hunting For Cybersecurity

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Ever wondered why some people so easily and quickly land a dream job in their dream company? If we were to give you one reason, it would be networking.

Networking is one of the most powerful and effective ways to become successful in just about any career or walk of life. In cybersecurity, it counts even more. The entire IT industry is based upon networking, relationships and credibility, which is why you should be building connections all the time.

Here are some tips to get you started with building your ultimate network of professionals and land your perfect job.

As soon as you are ready to look for an entry level job in cybersecurity, you should start building relationships with people in the industry. Go and join cybersecurity forums, blogs and other places where people interact. Start contributing and build a network with people.

Whenever you can, offer assistance to people. Find places where people come seeking advice and other help based in IT security. If you have the knowledge, you can help anyone. This way you will get attention from gurus in the industry who will start thinking you are a valuable person to build relationships with. In return, you can ask these ‘gurus’ to help you with entry level jobs by giving you advice and pointing you to the right direction.

The best place to build extremely useful connections is through regularly visiting cybersecurity conferences. Check your local listings for any thing related to IT security happening in your area and go there and start making some connections. There you will also come in contact with professionals who are more than willing to help you fill the gaps.

Once you have found the ultimate platform to help and seek advice, constantly provide your feedback and become a permanent part of that community. You will grow as a personality and a lot of people with start respecting you. As your name becomes known through out the cybersecurity industry, you will automatically start receiving offers from big name companies to help you find a career with them.

The post Why Social Networking Is Important When Job Hunting For Cybersecurity appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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Tips And Advice For Entry Level Cybersecurity Job Seekers

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Having problem getting a job in cybersecurity?

You may be thinking too much. Getting a job in Cyber-security is easier than you think.

You probably landed on this page because you have decided to seek a job in IT security, but are unsure where to begin. Researching is the very first step and you are doing it perfectly. Now that you are here, we are going to help you find your first entry level cyber security job by giving you some golden advice and tips.

Sure, when it comes to getting a good job in an industry, experience is vital. But our aim is to help you build a reputation that speaks experience through your persona. A compilation for several tips can be read below which we believe will effectively help you in your job hunt.

Planning is the most important thing

Rule number one of finding the perfect job is to plan, plan and plan ahead. You need to think like a strategist and see what opportunities lie in front of you and how you can catch those opportunities. When you finally come up with a game plan, stick to it and work on it. Here are some crucial points that will help you get an entry level job in Cyber Security:

  1. First of all, plan ahead as mentioned above. You need to know the different kinds of careers available and what career leads to which position in the long term. Pursue the career that best suits your needs.
  2. Find out which skills are absolutely necessary in the career you have chosen. Look for job postings to see what companies are demanding.
  3. Find ways to get the skills that are required. You can volunteer, compete in hacking contests, attend IT security conferences, get a degree or even complete a professional certificate.
  4. Get practical by doing projects on your own. There are several places where you can volunteer to work on a project or you can start your own.
  5. Master all the popular and latest technology available to IT security professionals. If this is too much, stick to one or two popular tools that are commonly used in IT security.
  6. Start blogging! if you think you have the knowledge, why not pen it down. Show it your employers when you are going for an interview and they will be immediately impressed.
  7. Finally, create a powerful self promotion pitch that will help you sell yourself to employers. The speech must include who you are and why you are perfect for the job. Include all or most powerful points from above.

Getting a job in cybersecurity is all about having practical and theoretical knowledge. Sharpen your skills in both departments and you are on your way to becoming a guru in cybersecurity.

The post Tips And Advice For Entry Level Cybersecurity Job Seekers appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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Friday 26 August 2016

How To Become The Top Entry Level Candidate That Gets Noticed By HR

Entry level cybersecurity jobs

Get accepted for entry level cybersecurity jobs

Cyber security is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing jobs sector in the world with some of the job positions being the top most sought out for. So if you are already trying your luck at getting into cybersecurity, you are in a great position to land a job. However, some of these positions require you to be highly qualified in terms of technical skills and knowledge, which means you will have to go through extensive schooling, earning multiple certifications and getting years of on hands experience in cybersecurity.

We have compiled a list of important ‘To-Dos’ for anyone who is looking to enter cybersecurity through an entry level position. If you are that person, read on.

Entry Level Positions – How To Secure Them

A lot of new job seekers tend to fail miserably at job hunting because they are not prepared enough. Cybersecurity is a competitive field where candidates are experienced and have tons of knowledge and technical skills. As a new comer, you have probably spent months trying to search for the right job and almost always failed to gain it.

Fortunately for you, there are about 1 million openings still waiting to be filled in the cybersecurity sector alone. As cybercrime is becoming more and more powerful force to reckon with, companies and governments require more and more professionals to deal with it.

So even though there is no shortage of jobs in the cybersecurity sector, you may still face a lot of hurdles due to inexperience and lack of knowledge. Following are the challenges most newcomers face:

  • Lack of knowledge
  • Lack of practical skills
  • Lack of professional certifications
  • Incomplete education

If you lack any of the above necessary skills or knowledge, you will be overshadowed by thousands of other entry level candidates. In order to improve your chances, follow the advice below:

Focus on something – The best way to land a job in cybersecurity is to choose a field and then religiously gain knowledge and technical skills needed to excel in it. For example, if you have chosen to become an intrusion detector, learn about it, get professional certifications and volunteer with companies.

Gain Knowledge – There is no shortage of cybersecurity degrees, online courses and other resources which gives you plenty of knowledge regarding just about any field in cybersecurity. Never stop learning more about the field. Gain additional skills, learn new technologies, attend conferences, discuss new threats in forums and talk to senior level cybersecurity professionals wherever you can find them.

Grow your network – For any job, growing your network means more connections. When more people find out about you, and if they think you are useful, you will be surprised how many employers will be interested in acquiring you. Employers tend to hire people if they are referenced by someone who is already in the cybersecurity field. So befriend people who are already working in companies and watch the offers flow in your email.

The post How To Become The Top Entry Level Candidate That Gets Noticed By HR appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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Ramnit Trojan targeting UK banks reactivated

IBM X-Force researchers advise banks to use adaptive malware detection and real-time endpoint malware intelligence to counter the latest evolution of Ramnit banking malware

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Law firms planning litigation market for GDPR

Businesses should be preparing for the storm of litigation that is likely to be unleashed when the GDPR goes into force, warns Stewart Room of PwC Legal

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Apple patches triple iOS security threat

Businesses and consumers are being urged to update their versions of Apple’s iOS to fix three critical, zero-day vulnerabilities that enable attackers to spy on victims

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Thursday 25 August 2016

Why Social Networking Is Important When Job Hunting For Cybersecurity

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Ever wondered why some people so easily and quickly land a dream job in their dream company? If we were to give you one reason, it would be networking.

Networking is one of the most powerful and effective ways to become successful in just about any career or walk of life. In cybersecurity, it counts even more. The entire IT industry is based upon networking, relationships and credibility, which is why you should be building connections all the time.

Here are some tips to get you started with building your ultimate network of professionals and land your perfect job.

As soon as you are ready to look for an entry level job in cybersecurity, you should start building relationships with people in the industry. Go and join cybersecurity forums, blogs and other places where people interact. Start contributing and build a network with people.

Whenever you can, offer assistance to people. Find places where people come seeking advice and other help based in IT security. If you have the knowledge, you can help anyone. This way you will get attention from gurus in the industry who will start thinking you are a valuable person to build relationships with. In return, you can ask these ‘gurus’ to help you with entry level jobs by giving you advice and pointing you to the right direction.

The best place to build extremely useful connections is through regularly visiting cybersecurity conferences. Check your local listings for any thing related to IT security happening in your area and go there and start making some connections. There you will also come in contact with professionals who are more than willing to help you fill the gaps.

Once you have found the ultimate platform to help and seek advice, constantly provide your feedback and become a permanent part of that community. You will grow as a personality and a lot of people with start respecting you. As your name becomes known through out the cybersecurity industry, you will automatically start receiving offers from big name companies to help you find a career with them.

The post Why Social Networking Is Important When Job Hunting For Cybersecurity appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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A quarter of financial sector data breaches linked to lost or stolen devices

Financial sector breaches in the US doubled in 2015 over the year before, according to a report by security firm Bitglass

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French submarine maker data breach highlights challenges of IP security

French naval contractor data breach proves that protecting intellectual property is challenging, say security experts

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Wednesday 24 August 2016

UK organisations still not taking ransomware seriously

Security experts say UK organisations are not taking ransomware attacks seriously enough, after two studies reveal that tens of UK universities and NHS Trusts have been attacked

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Data breaches: Different regions, very different impacts

The cost, scrutiny and pressure of dealing with a data breach will become more apparent in the near future as European legislation takes effect

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UK second only to US in DDoS attacks

Distributed denial of service attacks on UK organisations have eased from a peak in the fourth quarter of 2015, but the UK remains the world’s second most targeted country

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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Tips And Advice For Entry Level Cybersecurity Job Seekers

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Having problem getting a job in cybersecurity?

You may be thinking too much. Getting a job in Cyber-security is easier than you think.

You probably landed on this page because you have decided to seek a job in IT security, but are unsure where to begin. Researching is the very first step and you are doing it perfectly. Now that you are here, we are going to help you find your first entry level cyber security job by giving you some golden advice and tips.

Sure, when it comes to getting a good job in an industry, experience is vital. But our aim is to help you build a reputation that speaks experience through your persona. A compilation for several tips can be read below which we believe will effectively help you in your job hunt.

Planning is the most important thing

Rule number one of finding the perfect job is to plan, plan and plan ahead. You need to think like a strategist and see what opportunities lie in front of you and how you can catch those opportunities. When you finally come up with a game plan, stick to it and work on it. Here are some crucial points that will help you get an entry level job in Cyber Security:

  1. First of all, plan ahead as mentioned above. You need to know the different kinds of careers available and what career leads to which position in the long term. Pursue the career that best suits your needs.
  2. Find out which skills are absolutely necessary in the career you have chosen. Look for job postings to see what companies are demanding.
  3. Find ways to get the skills that are required. You can volunteer, compete in hacking contests, attend IT security conferences, get a degree or even complete a professional certificate.
  4. Get practical by doing projects on your own. There are several places where you can volunteer to work on a project or you can start your own.
  5. Master all the popular and latest technology available to IT security professionals. If this is too much, stick to one or two popular tools that are commonly used in IT security.
  6. Start blogging! if you think you have the knowledge, why not pen it down. Show it your employers when you are going for an interview and they will be immediately impressed.
  7. Finally, create a powerful self promotion pitch that will help you sell yourself to employers. The speech must include who you are and why you are perfect for the job. Include all or most powerful points from above.

Getting a job in cybersecurity is all about having practical and theoretical knowledge. Sharpen your skills in both departments and you are on your way to becoming a guru in cybersecurity.

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Trend Micro confirms rise of ransomware and whaling

Ransomware is confirmed as a pervasive threat and whaling emerges as a strong trend, according to the latest security report by Trend Micro

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European law enforcement seeking smart ways to fight cyber crime

Cyber crime continues to increase in volume and sophistication, but European law enforcement is fighting back, using collaboration and industry partnerships to compensate for a lack of resources

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Cyber criminals target holiday-related P2P media platforms

Cyber criminals capitalise on the popularity of holiday-related media sites to spread malware

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Monday 22 August 2016

Mixed reaction to Anderson review of bulk surveillance powers

While the Anderson review’s recommendation of a technical advisory panel has been welcomed, human rights groups say the opportunity to move to more targeted surveillance has been missed

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Saturday 20 August 2016

Security News This Week: Eddie Bauer Stores, Hotels and Hospitals Hacked

Security News This Week: Eddie Bauer Stores, Hotels and Hospitals Hacked
Each Saturday we round up the news stories that we didn’t break or cover in depth at WIRED, but which deserve your attention nonetheless. The post Security News This Week: Eddie Bauer Stores, Hotels and Hospitals Hacked appeared first on WIRED.

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Friday 19 August 2016

No alternative to bulk surveillance powers, says Anderson report

The government welcomes a review of the controversial Investigatory Powers Bill that found there is no viable alternative to the bulk data collection powers proposed by the bill

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Expect ransomware arrests soon, says bitcoin tracking firm Chainalysis

Law enforcement organisations are set to ramp up arrests of cyber criminals behind ransomware attacks, according to financial technology startup Chainalysis

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Hackers Trick Facial-Recognition Logins With Photos From Facebook (What Else?)

Hackers Trick Facial-Recognition Logins With Photos From Facebook (What Else?)
Researchers use online photos to create 3-D renders of faces and successfully dupe four facial recognition systems. The post Hackers Trick Facial-Recognition Logins With Photos From Facebook (What Else?) appeared first on WIRED.

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Police arrest woman in connection with Sage data breach

A woman has been arrested on suspicion of fraud in connection with a data breach at accounting software firm Sage

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Thursday 18 August 2016

Isaca holds first online infosec career fair

Information professionals’ organisation Isaca is to hold an online career fair to give cyber security job seekers direct access to employer organisations

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Australian 2016 census sabotage puts a question mark on private cloud

Industry experts question why the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ website for the 2016 census, which recently underwent a DDoS attack, was not run on public cloud

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Nearly two-thirds of IT leaders expect a serious data breach

Many organisations need to update IT systems to ensure business operations are both truly agile and secure, a report has revealed

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Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Shadow Brokers Mess Is What Happens When the NSA Hoards Zero-Days

The Shadow Brokers Mess Is What Happens When the NSA Hoards Zero-Days
As zero-days appear to leak from an elite NSA-linked hacker team, the incident puts the focus back on the agency’s controversial hacking activities. The post The Shadow Brokers Mess Is What Happens When the NSA Hoards Zero-Days appeared first on WIRED.

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Tesla’s Autopilot Was Fooled By Hackers

Recently a Tesla S in autopilot mode failed to recognize a obstacle in front of it and crashed. This has led to question the sensors of the car. What if someone was able to sabotage the sensors of the car and fool it using complex technology?

Researchers from the University of South Carolina and a few others have just tested this question on a Tesla. In a series of tests, they were able to find out that Tesla’s sensors can indeed be hacked and taken control of. The team is going to show their testing in the Defcon Hacker conference.

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5 Reasons Why You Failed At Getting That Entry Level Cybersecurity Job

5 Things you need to make sure don't go wrong during an interview for cybersecurity job

When it comes to entry-level information security market, many jobs are available and applicants continue to grow to penetrate the now competitive and growing cybersecurity job market.

But reportedly, many fresh graduates or professional security certificate holders are unable to get an entry level job in the infosec sector. While there may be many reasons, below are the top 5 that you must ensure never make their way into your career hunting.

1. Portraying yourself as a know it all

One of the biggest mistakes you can make during an interview or on your resume is showing yourself as a jack of all trades. Security sector is broken down into many sections and a lot of people show themselves as holding many different skills. The key is to show one or two skills that you believe are your strongest points and then make an argument on it. Convince your interviewer why you are good by showing examples of your work.

2. Lacking ‘team player’ qualities is a huge letdown for companies

This is pretty much a default letdown if you show yourself as someone who is not comfortable working in a team. As a cybersecurity professional, no matter what job you choose, you will be working with a team of people. You must accept this fact and be ready to work alongside other people in the same category as yours.

3. Trying to convince interviewers that your degree and certifications outshadow practical skills

In a recent survey, it was revealed that high end employers are more interested in hiring people with real world experience rather than hiring someone with lots of professional certifications and a bachelors/masters degree. Cybersecurity is all about dealing with threats in the real world and that is where experience counts the most. So don’t think that your degree or certification is better than practical skills. Someone having more practical skills than you can easily land a job without a degree.

4. Not preparing for your interview

Job seekers must know that an interview is the most important part of job hunting. If you have selected a particular job position with a company, you must research well before hand and prepare for the interview. Look at the basics of interviews and the fundamentals of the job you are after. Interviewers will judge you on the knowledge you have about their company, the job in question and the technical/practical skills you posses.

5. Don’t exaggerate

Finally the last thing to remember is to never exaggerate about anything during an interview. Do not answer with too much information. Stick to the basics and list down only the necessary things that answer the questions appropriately. If you start explaining things in detail, the interviewers will start counter questioning you on the basis of information you provide them. This could lead you into trouble.

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Cyber attack recovery 300% dearer due to skills shortage

The improvement of specialist security expertise is one of the top three drivers for an additional investment in IT security, but many struggle to find people with the skills they need, a report reveals

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Tuesday 16 August 2016

No One Wants to Buy Those Stolen NSA-Linked ‘Cyberweapons’

No One Wants to Buy Those Stolen NSA-Linked ‘Cyberweapons’
Most of the bids for the Shadow Brokers’ supposed cache of stolen NSA code amount to beer-and-pizza money. The post No One Wants to Buy Those Stolen NSA-Linked ‘Cyberweapons’ appeared first on WIRED.

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Google takes on FaceTime and Skype with Duo

Google is betting on simplicity, cross-platform functionality and privacy concerns to attract smartphone uses to its Duo video-calling app

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Cerber ransomware service reaps $195,000 profit in a month

Franchises such as Cerber are making highly profitable ransomware available to a broader range of cyber criminals, according to a report by security firm Check Point

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PoS malware attacks highlights need for security standards in hotel industry

Ongoing data breaches through point of sale malware highlights the need for security standards and central support for franchisees in the hotel industry, say security experts

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Monday 15 August 2016

Hackers Claim to Auction Data Stolen From NSA-Linked Spies

Hackers Claim to Auction Data Stolen From NSA-Linked Spies
A group calling itself Shadow Brokers has claimed to hack the NSA-connected hackers known as Equation Group and put their stolen files up for sale. The post Hackers Claim to Auction Data Stolen From NSA-Linked Spies appeared first on WIRED.

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Financial sector faces era of cyber mega heists

Banks and other financial institutions are threatened by a new breed of elite cyber criminals running professional operations that will use any means to achieve their goals, says Barclays security chief

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Sage data breach underlines insider threat

Organisations need to take insider threats more seriously say security experts, as Sage warns that a data breach using an internal log-in may have compromised employee data at nearly 300 UK firms

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Slow response to Privacy Shield EU-US data transfer programme

Only 40 US firms has been certified under the Privacy Shield transatlantic data transfer programme, but this is expected to gain momentum

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Saturday 13 August 2016

Security News This Week: The DNC Hack Was Worse Than We Thought

Security News This Week: The DNC Hack Was Worse Than We Thought
Each Saturday we round up the news stories that we didn’t break or cover in depth at WIRED, but which deserve your attention nonetheless. The post Security News This Week: The DNC Hack Was Worse Than We Thought appeared first on WIRED.

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Friday 12 August 2016

Financial cyber attacks increase as malware writers join forces

Financial malware attacks increased 16% in the second quarter of the year, driven by collaboration between the developers of two banking Trojans in the top the financial malware threats, says Kaspersky Lab

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Thursday 11 August 2016

Security pros split on government access to cloud data, survey shows

Despite rapid cloud services adoption, security and compliance concerns revolving around inappropriate use or access of sensitive cloud data continue to loom large, a survey has revealed

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Security Think Tank: Brexit – An opportunity for infosec pros to take the lead

What are the pros and cons of Brexit for information security professionals and data protection?

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It’s not too late to turn the tide on Investigatory Powers Bill

The government has set David Anderson QC an almost impossible task in his review of the sweeping bulk powers proposed in the Investigatory Powers Bill – but it is not too late to make a difference

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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Prisons to get power to remotely pull plug on illicit mobile phones

The Home Office is to give prisons in the UKnew powers to cut off illicit use of mobile phones by inmates

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Oh Good: A New Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens

Oh Good: A New Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens
A team of researchers has found that Volkswagen stores secret keys in car components that leave almost all its vehicles since 1995 vulnerable to theft. The post Oh Good: A New Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens appeared first on WIRED.

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Anti Piracy Software Denuvo Gets Cracked

Denuvo the undisputed champion has just been dethroned. The anti piracy solution that provided video games with an anti tempering system had made it impossible for crackers to crack the games that come pre-installed with this software.

Now a cracking group known as CPY has just announced that they have cracked Denuvo. The first title that has been cracked using Denuvo is Square Enix’s Rise of Tomb Raider.

Previously crackers made denuvo powered games able to be illegally played by allowing a by pass through steam. Denuvo quickly patched this workaround.

Denuvo will once again try to close the loopholes and make the cracked game unplayable, but the real question is, can denuvo really win against crackers?

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Security Think Tank: Forget Brexit, use GDPR to foster customer relationships

What are the pros and cons of Brexit for information security professionals and data protection?

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UK well-equipped to protect data after Brexit, says new ICO head

The public sector, industry, civil society and the public at large all have a role to play in effective data protection regulation, says new UK information commissioner Elizabeth Denham

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Facebook suppresses ad blockers to maintain revenues

The social media site now provides a new dashboard to enable users to specify what adverts they don’t want to see

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Intel to acquire AI firm Nervana Systems

Chip maker Intel is to acquire artificial intelligence firm Nervana Systems in a bid to take AI to the next level based on its Xeon and Phi processors

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Microsoft hails cloud security breakthrough with encrypted data

Microsoft researchers talk up cloud security breakthrough that allows encrypted data to be processed without prior decryption

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IPT fines Police Scotland for communications breach of privacy

The case comes as the UK government prepares to introduce the Investigatory Powers Bill, which will give sweeping powers for suspicion-less surveillance of telephone, web and email communications

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MI5 staff repeatedly overrode data surveillance rules

Security service responsible for 210 ‘clear contraventions’ in five years in the way it accessed private internet and telephone data

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Tuesday 9 August 2016

Security Think Tank: Queen’s Gambit – Brexit implications for infosec pros

What are the pros and cons of Brexit for information security professionals and data protection?

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Global infosec spending to reach £63bn in 2016, says Gartner

Athough security spending is moving to detection and response, Gartner expects preventive security to continue strong growth

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Oracle Micros breach highlights PoS and supply chain security risks

Oracle Micros breach shows supply chain and point of sale systems continue to be popular avenues of attack for cyber criminals

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Half of vehicle cyber vulnerabilities could give hackers control, study shows

Half of vehicle vulnerabilities could allow cyber attackers to take control of a vehicle and 71% are easy to exploit, according to a three-year study by IOActive

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Monday 8 August 2016

Australians vent census privacy concerns

The Australian census has triggered a privacy debate after it emerged that the citizen data it collects will be held for years

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Companies That Were Hacked Still Prioritize Innovation Over Cybersecurity

A recent study found out that at least 8 out of 10 companies that were compromised due to cyber attacks in the past two years acknowledge that cybersecurity is not more important than innovation.

A lot of companies are taking a passive approach towards cyber security when in fact it should be taken seriously because the practice of hacking and stealing information has become so much more common in the past few years. They should be more concerned about the safety of their products and businesses than spending all resources on research and innovation.

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Companies That Were Hacked Still Prioritize Innovation Over Cybersecurity

A recent study found out that at least 8 out of 10 companies that were compromised due to cyber attacks in the past two years acknowledge that cybersecurity is not more important than innovation.

A lot of companies are taking a passive approach towards cyber security when in fact it should be taken seriously because the practice of hacking and stealing information has become so much more common in the past few years. They should be more concerned about the safety of their products and businesses than spending all resources on research and innovation.

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IT failure grounds Delta flights worldwide

US airline Delta has temporarily grounded flights worldwide after a power failure took key IT systems offline in its home base of Atlanta, Georgia

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Strider cyber attack group deploying malware for espionage

Symantec security researchers have uncovered a spying campaign by a previously unknown group using modular malware as stealthware

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Security Think Tank: Brexit – An opportunity to clean house

What are the pros and cons of Brexit for information security professionals and data protection?

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900 million Android devices vulnerable to attackers

Enterprises and individuals need to install security updates for all devices with vulnerable Qualcomm chip drivers if they want to ensure attackers can‘t take control of them, warns Check Point

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Friday 5 August 2016

Fake Boarding Pass App Gets Hacker Into Fancy Airline Lounges

Fake Boarding Pass App Gets Hacker Into Fancy Airline Lounges
Przemek Jaroszewski has spoofed QR codes to sneak into premium airline lounges and buy duty-free goods dozens of times at airports across Europe. The post Fake Boarding Pass App Gets Hacker Into Fancy Airline Lounges appeared first on WIRED.

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Banner Health cyber breach underlines need for faster intrusion detection

A data breach at Banner Health has highlighted the importance of intrusion detection and prompted calls for greater cyber security investment in the increasingly targeted healthcare industry

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Artificial intelligence takes centre stage in cyber security

Artificial intelligence-led cyber security technology has been in the spotlight at two major industry conferences in Las Vegas, signalling a firm trend in cyber defence research

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Thursday 4 August 2016

US Navy Organized A Capture The Flag Simulation

In order to protect the US Navy Cyberspace, the US Navy organized a capture the flag simulation challenge.

This was organized by the Two Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program. It was created with the help of interns who co developed and hosted the capture the flag challenge to secure the naval networks and put in best cybersecurity practices to protect it.

Most of the scenario was built up in an offline network set in a lab created from Naval Innovative Science and Engineering Fund. The simulation was created by using simple hacking and breaking security practices that included access information and password maliciously.

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Italian-based Android RAT spies on mobiles in Japan and China, say researchers

Researchers discover an Italian-based Android RAT designed for spying that is targeting mobile devices using their unique identification codes

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Security Think Tank: Infosec should not focus on Brexit at the expense of the here and now

What are the pros and cons of Brexit for information security professionals and data protection?

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