Saturday 29 April 2017

IS supporter Samata Ullah branded a “new and dangerous breed of terrorist"

A 34 year old man from Cardiff, Samata Ullah, who posted encryption training videos on a radical Islamic blog was a dangerous “cyber terrorist,” a court heard yesterday.

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Cybersecurity is now as important as health and safty

Cybersecurity is now as important as health and safety for any company

Cyber security is quickly becoming a global issue now affecting businesses and organizations of all sizes around the world. Every employee is at risk at all levels of an organization. The time has come for organizations and businesses to see cybersecurity as an extremely important issue and consider it on par with health and safety issue.

Enterprises need to raise the awareness of cyber security and make a part of normal campaigns that also spread awareness of health and safety. Why?

Because let’s face it, today is a connected world. Our computers, our televisions and even our fridges are now connected to the network and the internet. Even medical devices such as pacemaker are now connected to some sort of a smart device, leaving it open to attack from cyber criminals. This is why cyber security should now become a part of any health and safety campaign.

Businesses don’t realize how much it is important to boost cyber security in the workplace. It has become increasingly important to protect your workspace simply because of the adverse effects a cyber crime can cause to existing aspects of any business. Cyber crimes have and will continue to put companies out of business if the issue is not taken seriously. Any data breach, system lock or other cyber attacks can cause a business to be heavily fined by data protection authorities if found that they did not implement a core cyber security strategy.

This has caused many sensible businesses and organizations to implement a core cyber security strategy where they conduct regular training and awareness programs so that everyone knows how much dangerous the threats can be if not taken seriously.

Statistics show that 38% of data breaches are internal. It reveals that companies are in fact ignoring employee awareness that is causing breaches due to their negligence. So the first step is to spread awareness internally so all of the employees in a company understand how to protect themselves and the company from cyber criminals.

Since cyber criminals are taking advantage of the latest technology to conduct their attacks, companies should step up their game and make use of advanced defensive technology to fight back, which can only be done if there is enough awareness so that everyone can take this issue seriously.

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Friday 28 April 2017

A Big Change in NSA Spying Marks a Win for American Privacy

A Big Change in NSA Spying Marks a Win for American Privacy
The NSA won’t collect the emails of US citizens just because they mention a foreign target. That’s a big deal. The post A Big Change in NSA Spying Marks a Win for American Privacy appeared first on WIRED.

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Many companies lack GDPR plan, PwC data shows

Many organisations around the world do not have a coherent plan to prepare for compliance with the EU’s new data protection laws

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Facebook pledges to counteract government propaganda

Facebook has pledged to take action to stop governments exploiting its platform to influence opinion in other countries

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An Obscure App Flaw Creates Backdoors In Millions of Smartphones

An Obscure App Flaw Creates Backdoors In Millions of Smartphones
Researchers at the University of Michigan expose how an obscure feature of thousands of apps can give hackers remote access into your phone’s most sensitive guts. The post An Obscure App Flaw Creates Backdoors In Millions of Smartphones appeared first on WIRED.

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Education key to reducing systems attacks, says university security manager

Central Lancashire University’s IT networks and security manager says educating users is key to avoiding cyber security flaws

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Thursday 27 April 2017

Forge ahead with GDPR, says ICO

UK organisations cannot afford to lose the public’s trust in their ability to safeguard personal data and should be working to ensure they have that capability, says the Information Commissioner’s Office

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New Buy Only American Rule Could Seriously Hurt Pentagon Tech Buying

Cybersecurity firm has enough evidence to believe Chinese hackers tried to hack US-built missiles

Ex-officials from the Pentagon are warning that newly tightened ‘Buy American’ rules that ask the government to buy U.S made only products could seriously hurt the military’s ability to buy technology which is often not necessarily made in America.

The issue was raised at the house hearing about Pentagon’s IT operations. The hearing took place one week after President Donald Trump revealed his Buy American and Hire American order.

This could seriously limit the ability to get the best weapon systems for the warfighters. The hearing mostly agreed on the fact that it could seriously hamper technology buying at the Pentagon.

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China May Have Tried To Hack Missile Defense System

Trump’s Buy America, Hire America order could hinder Pentagon’s tech buying

A cybersecurity company in the U.S have reason enough to believe that Chinese hackers sponsored by the state could have tried to hack into an organization that had close connections with the US-built missile system based in South Korea.

According to a spokesperson from the company, China is pretty involved in cyber espionage regularly. He also said that they have enough evidence to prove that the Chinese hackers targeted at least one party that has connections with the missile placements.

According to him, prompt defensive measures placed in the organization helped prevented the attack.

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Security Think Tank: How one organisation’s incident can become everyone’s defence

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Cyber espionage up, but basic defences still down, DBIR shows

Organisations are still failing to address basic security issues and well-known attack methods, Verizon’s latest Data Breach Investigations Report reveals for a second year in a row

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The biggest cybersecurity threats to businesses

The biggest cyber security threats to businesses these days.

With phishing emails at their highest right now, business email compromise (BEC) is costing billions in damages since 2015. It has become more than crucial for companies to be aware of how hackers attack and how they can compromise your business.

BEC basically has an actor pretending to be a senior of the company and requesting the colleague in that company into wiring a fixed amount of money for a top secret company information. Phishing is quite threatening because many people don’t bother asking questions, they do just as told in the email.

Even if the highest security is placed, humans are easy to trick and someone clever enough can easily get past those security measures and make a fool out of someone.

Social media itself has also become quite a big threat to many businesses. Phishing is happening on social media in full force these days. People assume a role of someone senior by stealing a profile and through that they can easily request someone to send them money in the company. The only way to save from social media scams is to make sure good security is in place and awareness is spread across the employees.

Businesses can only defend themselves against these phishing attacks by spreading awareness. Occasional conferences should take place with training programs teaching the employees the fundamentals of cyber security, the threats it poses and how to recognize simple cyber attacks like phishing on email, phone, and social media.

After all, if one employee is hacked in a company, it would allow the hacker to easily get information about other systems connected to the network. that means in a short time span, a hacker would be able to hack the entire network and steal off data. They may even inject spyware to collect important data and release it to competitors.

Every company should once again think about where their cyber security strategy is taking them. They should invest more in it so they can protect themselves from such attacks.

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McAfee links Saudi Shamoon attacks

McAfee has published data showing the evolution of Shamoon malware campaigns as the company announces increased commitment to cyber threat research

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Security Think Tank: Red teaming benefits to business can be profound

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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Russian cyber espionage highlights need to improve email security

Security experts are advising political parties and businesses to pay more attention to email security after the latest revelations about a Russian cyber espionage group

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Danish defence minister accuses Russia of cyber espionage

Government officials in Denmark believe they have been under attack from Russia-based hackers

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Tuesday 25 April 2017

Cyber attackers are more ambitious than ever, Symantec warns

Cyber attackers displayed new levels of ambition in 2016, according to the latest threat report from security firm Symantec

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Worlds First Container Based Cybersecurity platform released

world’s first container based cybersecurity platform

tuCloud Federal Inc. announced today that they have launched the world’s first-ever container based cyber security platform. It is designed to physically set the web browsing activity aside from others which will help protect users from dangerous internet threats like malware and viruses.

The new platform is called Safeweb Engine and is a physical isolation platform which was built with help from Sandia National Laboratory. It is based on the proven safe web model that was originally developed by the same company.

The safeweb engine can be installed on a cloud, virtual and physical servers.

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KPMG Is Going To Hold A Cyber Security Conference

Cyber Security conference to be held by KPMG

In order to educate and spread awareness of cyber security for organizations asking them to build a more resilient system that would fight back cyber risks, KPMG is going to hold a conference.

The conference will be aimed at discussing various cyber security subjects. It will also shed light on how cyber security affects organization when technology fails due to shortcomings in their cyber security strategy.

Cyber security has already been started taken seriously by developing countries, so it should also become a part of countries that are underdeveloped to prepare for future.

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Court grants Lauri Love appeal against extradition

Alleged hacker’s appeal court hearing will be the first major test of the UK’s forum bar, designed to protect vulnerable people from extradition

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Storm clouds gather for US-EU Privacy Shield data deal

The European Parliament of Justice launches unprecedented criticism of Privacy Shield, while the Irish Court mulls future of binding corporate contracts

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Security Think Tank: How to maximise the value or red team exercises

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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Tips on how to get a Hana implementation off the ground

The confusion around SAP’s in-memory database is holding many customers back. We look at some of the approaches being taken to simplify implementation

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Monday 24 April 2017

One in eight people have suffered a healthcare data breach

A quarter of victims had their NI number compromised and 18% saw their biometric identifiers compromised, but most people trust healthcare providers with their data

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Just a Pair of These $11 Radio Gadgets Can Steal a Car

Just a Pair of These $11 Radio Gadgets Can Steal a Car
A technique that allows thieves to silently unlock and drive away cars is getting cheaper and easier than ever. The post Just a Pair of These $11 Radio Gadgets Can Steal a Car appeared first on WIRED.

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Cyber security centre of excellence to open at Cardiff University

Cardiff University and Airbus have launched the first centre of its kind in Europe to tackle cyber attacks on critical infrastructure

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Security Think Tank: Red teaming can help businesses identify best security controls

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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Collaboration is key to fighting cyber crime, say UK police

Cyber crime will be defeated only through collaboration, according to UK police, the Global Cyber Alliance, Cyber Defence Alliance and Verizon

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Friday 21 April 2017

Use These 5 Top VPNs To Browse The Internet Anonymously

top 5 VPNs to secure your browser

In today’s life, the internet has become quite a necessity. While the internet offers us countless benefits, it also has its drawbacks. The Internet is also used by criminals to target innocent people and take away their information and use it for their own personal gains.

Although there are tons of ways you can prevent cyber criminals to take away your important information, the best way is to stay anonymous over the internet especially if you have tons of important data lying in your computer/device.

Staying anonymous on the internet isn’t hard. All you need is a virtual private network which will hide away your true identity and will make it impossible for the hackers to access your private data.

We have listed down top 5 VPNs that you can trust with a blind eye.

HotSpot Shield Elite Plus

Hotspot shield elite plus makes sure your chances of becoming a victim of internet theft is reduced. Your data is completely encrypted and secured through the private network that Hotspot sets up for you. The best thing about this VPN is that you can use it simultaneously over various devices without paying an extra penny.

VPN Unlimited

VPN unlimited sets itself apart by offering you a very fast server and even faster server switching. You can switch your server with a single click to shade away from your IP address. This VPN is great if you are using it on a mobile device.

Pure VPN

Pure VPN is perhaps the most trusted VPN service out there. Millions of people are using it as you read this post. It is known for offering very high-end encryption that will protect your system effectively from cyber criminals. Plus you can attach up to five devices on it through a single subscription. The VPN supports a host of different devices ranging from mobiles to gaming consoles.


ZenVPN makes our list of top 5 VPNs because of the number of servers it offers. ZenVPN will give you 34 locations worldwide that you can switch with a single click. They are constantly adding more and more locations as time passes by.


TigerVPN is the only VPN from this list that offers military-level end to end encryption for your MAC, Windows, iOS or Android. It has fewer servers across the world but has the highest level of security from these VPNs.

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Information security key to digital era business models

Security will become increasingly important as industries seek to collaborate and use each other’s capabilities to enable new business models, with the banking sector leading the way

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Security Think Tank: How to get the best out of red team exercises

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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UK likely to face national cyber emergency, says NCSC

The UK is likely to face a level-1 cyber attack at some point in the future, according to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

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Thursday 20 April 2017

The US Charging Julian Assange Could Put Press Freedom on Trial

The US Charging Julian Assange Could Put Press Freedom on Trial
No matter your feelings on Assange or WikiLeaks, espionage charges against the group would represent a serious blow to press freedom. The post The US Charging Julian Assange Could Put Press Freedom on Trial appeared first on WIRED.

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A New Way to Securely Send Information to WIRED

A New Way to Securely Send Information to WIRED
Announcing WIRED’s new installation of SecureDrop, a better way to securely send us sensitive tips and leaks. The post A New Way to Securely Send Information to WIRED appeared first on WIRED.

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Rhode Island Hires First State Cybersecurity Officer

Rhode island’s first ever state cyber security officer

Rhode Island has just hired its first state Cybersecurity officer. Mike Steinmetz will be serving as Gov. Gina M. Raimondo’s policy advisor on cyber security. He will also help develop a comprehensive state cybersecurity strategy that will help the state fight back cyber crimes and prevent them.

Steinmetz will also be serving as Rhode Island’s homeland security adviser. He began working on April 17.

Raimondo made this decision as a part of continuing efforts to create economic development and increase innovation. The decision was also made based on the series of 8 different recommendations in a report that was released in 2015 from the cybersecurity commission of Rhode Island.

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Delta Risk has been named in top 25 cyber security companies

Delta risk recognized as the top 25 best cybersecurity companies

Delta Risk is a global provider of risk management and cyber security services. The company announced today that it has been included in the list that recognizes top cyber security companies of 2017. They were selected to be in the top 25 companies by CIO Applications.

CIO Applications judges companies based on the evaluation of their ability to help government and commercial entities in the entire world to build advanced risk management capabilities and cyber defense.

The list of these companies are released every year and is selected by a panel of various experts from the cyber security industry and CIO applications editorial team.

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Mastercard integrates biometric technology into cards

MasterCard tests out biometric technology embedded into payment cards, with further trials in Europe planned

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Banks suffer average of 85 attempted serious cyber attacks a year, and one-third are successful

Banks face daily cyber attacks, many of which succeed in stealing data, research finds

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Security Think Tank: Red teaming will benefit security mature organisations most

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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People present the biggest challenge, say infosec professionals

More than 80% of security professionals identify people as the industry’s biggest challenge, but companies are becoming better prepared to deal with cyber breaches, a survey reveals

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InterContinental Hotel Group reveals extent of malware attack

Hotel group InterContinental (IHG) reveals that malware attempting to glean payment card details sat undetected on its network in the US for three months

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Human interaction still key to cyber attacks, study reveals

An analysis of threats faced by organisations in the first quarter of 2017 reveals that cyber attackers still rely heavily on user interaction

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Wednesday 19 April 2017

Conflicting advice blurs cyber safety

Companies are being overloaded with information about cyber threats and complain of a lack of relevant advice

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Skype most popular communication channel for cyber criminals

The cyber criminal network is truly global and collaborative, making use of popular messaging services, a study has revealed

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Majority of open source has security flaws

Software audit highlights major security weaknesses across all open source software

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What to do first when hit by a cyber attack

Security consultant Gemma Moore looks at the actions organisations should take if they suspect they have suffered a cyber security incident

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Security Think Tank: A real world approach to security testing

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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Tuesday 18 April 2017

Facebook Offers a Better Way to Get Back Into Your Locked-Out Apps

Facebook Offers a Better Way to Get Back Into Your Locked-Out Apps
At Facebook’s F8 conference, the company outlined a refreshing alternative to the bad security questions that plague account recovery across the web. The post Facebook Offers a Better Way to Get Back Into Your Locked-Out Apps appeared first on WIRED.

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Security Think Tank: Time to look at red teaming?

How can organisations use red teaming to identify security gaps?

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Microsoft underlines importance of keeping software updated

Microsoft has underlined the importance of keeping software up to date by confirming that no supported versions of its software are vulnerable to leaked NSA hacking tools

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Lloyds Bank tests biometric authentication from Microsoft

Banking group is trying out enterprise-grade biometric authentication for its online customers

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Here’s how you can secure your Twitter account via Google Authenticator

Twitter introduces two-factor authentication

Cybercriminals are after your personal data and where else can they find your personal data other than social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Social media companies are working hard to secure your accounts from the prying eyes of hackers you make use of your personal data for their own gains. Sometimes they even lock your account and demand a ransom in return.

Thankfully, social media companies are adding new layers of security day by day. Twitter recently added a new layer of security that allows you to protect your account via Google Authenticator or third party applications like Authy.

Here’s how you can protect your account by adding an extra layer through using this method and make it harder for cybercriminals to breach into it.

  • Log in to your account and head to the settings which are located at the top menu easily accessible by just clicking on your display picture.
  • Look for the security option under account settings and click the verify login requests.
  • Now Twitter will ask you to add your personal phone number if you haven’t already added it to your account.
  • Once you have added your number, you will have to select an option known as setup a code generator app. You’ll be given a barcode to scan instantly or a security key that you can add via third party application made for authentication.
  • If you’re using a code generator, then head to your third party authentication app and you’ll see a code generator under that app which will then be used to login to your Twitter account.

The two-factor authentication is a welcome move from Twitter because their previous methods for securing your account were weak and easily exposable. With the new form of security, you’ll enjoy a better overall security which makes it really hard for the hacker to breach.

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UK businesses need to up cyber security with one in five hit by attacks

Big UK businesses are targeted by cyber attacks more heavily, but all need to improve cyber security with one in five UK firms falling victim in the past 12 months, a survey reveals

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Monday 17 April 2017

The NSA will be hosting a free cybersecurity summer camp for teen girls

NSA to hold a free summer camp for teen girls

The NSA is holding a free cyber security summer camp for middle school girls who have an interest in starting a career in the security industry.

The program is called GenCyber and will be entirely free for everyone. The National Security Agency (NSA) is sponsoring the students by paying the bill for tuition, registration fees, and boarding.

The goal of the camp is to help young girls to hone their talent towards the internet and network security so that they can start a career in this industry. With cyber attacks on the rise, more cybersecurity professionals are needed for national and economic security.

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Argus Cyber Security Shocks The World After They Successfully Hack A Car

cyber security for cars is in question

Argus Cyber Security is well known in the automotive industry. The company revealed that it was able to successfully hack into a car’s internal system through the internet communication system by using a simple device that is installed by insurance companies that track driving patterns. This device is specially added in the car for enabling in-car Wi-Fi.

Argus Cyber Security disabled the fuel pump as soon as it hacked into the car. The fuel pump only goes off in an event of an accident. Although Argus did not reveal which vehicle it hacked successfully, it did raise a lot of questions when it comes to the security of cars.

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Friday 14 April 2017

How You Can Use International Law To Keep Hackers Out Of Your Gadgets

How you can use international law to prevent hackers from hacking

If you are a small business or an organization that heavily relies on technology, you are an open target for cyber criminals only waiting to be exposed. A business that relies on technology has to be extra careful with their cyber security because hackers can use the very same technology against them.

Take for example Ransomware. It is a malicious tool capable of locking down any technology that uses computers to operate. In one scenario, a five-star hotel in Australia suffered a complete shut down because even their room doors used technology to unlock and lock the doors.

Hackers got into their entire system and locked away every single door in the hotel, demanding ransom in return to unlock their doors or let the hotel use their software the way it was intended to be.

Imagine this scenario coming to your business, how would you be able to defend against such an attack without losing a lot of money? The Australian had to pay bitcoins equaling 1500 Euro for restoring their hotel’s functionality.

With more and more devices becoming a part of the global network, this kind of malware is growing and it’s time you think about taking steps to reduce the emerging threat so that you don’t become the next victim.

Fortunately for you, there is an Interntaional law that regulates companies creating tech and thanks to the way it was made, you can address the issue on an international level.

With enough people addressing safety issues with the internet of things, the International law can incorporate new standards into the law disallowing international trade of tech goods that are not secure to be used. International law allows many countries to refuse import of products that violate standards set by the law.

If you’re a business and you rely a lot on technology, it’s about to time you start raising this issue with your fellow businessmen who feel threatened as much as you are.

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Major Leak Suggests NSA Was Deep in Middle East Banking System

Major Leak Suggests NSA Was Deep in Middle East Banking System
The Shadow Brokers hacker group is back with another trove of NSA documents including Windows exploits and evidence of financial spying in the Middle East. The post Major Leak Suggests NSA Was Deep in Middle East Banking System appeared first on WIRED.

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Watch Workers Learn How to Filter Obscene and Violent Photos From Dating Sites

Watch Workers Learn How to Filter Obscene and Violent Photos From Dating Sites
Directors Adrian Chen and Ciaran Cassidy give WIRED a first look at their disturbing short documentary on content moderation. The post Watch Workers Learn How to Filter Obscene and Violent Photos From Dating Sites appeared first on WIRED.

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Thursday 13 April 2017

Under New Bill Infrastructure Owners Will Need To disclose cybersecurity incidents to homeland officials

Serious cyber security incidents will be reported to homeland security officials under new bill

The Nevada lawmakers will be soon requiring new cybersecurity plans for any infrastructure that is critical.

The new senate bill 395 will require this new cyber security plan for privately and government owned facilities in Nevada. Basically, all facilities related to telecommunication systems and utilities may be effected.

Under the new bill, the plan will be provided to the Nevada Commission to Homeland Security and the owners of any infrastructure that is critical will be reporting any serious cyber security incidents to homeland security officials

The new proposal came due to increasing cyber threats around Nevada and the entire country.

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With cars becoming smarter, who will regulate cybersecurity for them?

Who is going to regulate cybersecurity for smart cars?

Vehicles are becoming smarter day by day as companies start to equip them with high-tech modules. They are now becoming more and more interconnected with other smart technology, giving an open window to cyber criminals to expose.

Current vehicles are regulated for safety standards by the federal government, but there is no entity available that is regulating cybersecurity standards for new smart cars.

A newly reintroduced legislation makes it the responsibility of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, but is that really a good approach?

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Cloud, AI and security driving network monitoring industry

We explore the latest developments and trends in enterprise network monitoring and management

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Enterprise adoption of encryption accelerating, study shows

Cloud adoption and escalating threats are accelerating adoption of encryption, a study has revealed

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Interview: Chris Young, chief executive of McAfee

McAfee’s chief shares his views on Brexit, GDPR, encryption and his company’s new independence in an exclusive UK interview with Computer Weekly

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Six key security weaknesses in industrial systems

Organisations should mitigate six key vulnerabilities in industrial control systems to reduce the risk of cyber attack, warns security firm FireEye

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Wednesday 12 April 2017

Suing to See the Feds’ Encrypted Messages? Good Luck

Suing to See the Feds’ Encrypted Messages? Good Luck
Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch is suing the EPA for staffers’ Signal messages. It may hit the encrypted limits of federal transparency. The post Suing to See the Feds’ Encrypted Messages? Good Luck appeared first on WIRED.

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New-format Patch Tuesday reveals Office and Hyper-V flaws

Microsoft has changed the way it alerts Windows admins and has issued critical patches for Office and Hyper-V

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Data breaches strip tens of millions off UK firms’ market value, study shows

Security experts say the fact that data breaches at FTSE 100 firms cost on average £120m in market value should be a wake-up call for boards to ensure they have an adequate cyber security strategy

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How UK organisations are leaving themselves open for cyber attack

UK organisations are leaving themselves wide open to cyber attack despite huge investments in cyber security systems, according to two former hackers now working in cyber defence

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Foreign cyber attackers may have targeted EU referendum

Cyber attacks may have targeted the EU referendum website in an attempt to influence the outcome, MPs have warned

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Securing Driverless Cars From Hackers Is Hard. Ask the Ex-Uber Guy Who Protects Them

Securing Driverless Cars From Hackers Is Hard. Ask the Ex-Uber Guy Who Protects Them
In his Uber exit interview, top car hacker Charlie Miller warns of the dangers of insecure autonomous vehicles. The post Securing Driverless Cars From Hackers Is Hard. Ask the Ex-Uber Guy Who Protects Them appeared first on WIRED.

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Tuesday 11 April 2017

Security as a service on the rise in the UAE

Organisations in the United Arab Emirates are increasingly turning to security services

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Europol and Brazil agree co-operation on cyber crime

Brazil, which has a significant and growing cyber crime problem both as the target of international attacks and the source of regional attacks, is set to work more closely with Europol to fight cross-border crime

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Kelihos botnet downed after arrest of alleged kingpin

The US has led the takedown of the international botnet Kelihos after the arrest in Spain of the Russian believed to have operated the botnet since 2010

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Monday 10 April 2017

IAM a core building block for GDPR compliance

Identity and access management is key to enabling organisations to become compliant with the GDPR, increase security and improve customer relationships, according to a senior analyst at KuppingerCole

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Dallas city alarm hack raises fears over vital system security

Hackers have accessed the emergency alert system in Dallas in the largest breach of its kind, raising fears about the cyber security of critical infrastructure

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Ever Wondered Why Malware Slows Your System?

why do viruses slowdown your computer?

Have you ever wondered why your system slows down when it is infected by a virus or malware?

It is because making lightweight applications is a tough job and no hacker or cybercriminal makes an effort to optimize their software. Most viruses or malware on your system consume resources no matter what kind of software they are made off.

In other stances, hackers may volunteer to produce viruses and malware that are meant to slow down your system. These malware are designed to upload or download data directly from your system, which means they constantly work hard in the background consuming your resources from the system or the internet.

But then again there are certain malware and viruses that are very lightweight and may never be consuming too many resources in the background. This kind of malware or viruses is designed to be lightweight because the aim is to keep them hidden from the user. If you do not see a slower performance on your system, you may never suspect that there is a virus present in your system.

That way a virus will stay in your system and will do its work by uploading your personal info to the cloud. Keep in mind some viruses and malware are designed in such a way that they might not be detectable by home user anti-virus software.

If you are facing a slowdown on your system, it is probably due to a spyware. Spyware is generally very resource heavy applications because they constantly work to upload and download data from the hacker’s server. With spyware on your system, you could face a complete system slowdown as well as slow internet.

To get rid of spyware, you should download and install an anti-spyware software from a trusted source.

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Friday 7 April 2017

3 Internet Scams We’re All Still Falling For

Common internet scams that we usually fall for

In the previous post, we covered common scams that a lot of us still commonly fall for. Today we’ll be looking at scams that appear outside of your email. If you thought hackers only scam you through emails, wait until you see the common scams over the internet people are still easily falling for.

With these scams, we’ll also add a few lines on how to protect and find out about scams. So let’s begin with the common internet scams that people easily become a victim to.

The gorgeous girlfriend scam

  • Do you often visit dating sites? If you do you may have come across the perfect girlfriend profile often. She’s hot, witty and she messages you telling you that she’s completely into you. But you see, this is actually a hacker posing to be a gorgeous female over the internet trying to fool people by taking their information in advance and then they never show up.

Phishing scam through text

  • You may think you only receive malicious links through an email. Think again. Hackers will also time to time send you text messages with a link asking you to fill in crucial information because your account on a website is having a problem. Once you go to this link and add your information, it will be visible to the hacker. Always make sure the domain name on the link is authentic.

Infection detected scam

When you’re randomly browsing the internet, you may have come across a pop up that warns you an infection was found in your system. Clicking on this popup, you’ll be asked to install an anti-virus which will help you fend off this so-called infection. This is actually a malicious software that will corrupt your system even more. Never click on such pop-ups until you are sure its a message from your anti-virus software.

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How an MSSP scaled up its security analysts' capacity

Irish-managed security services provider Smattech has increased its speed and capacity to analyse cyber attacks using IBM’s fledging cognitive computing technology

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MEPs call for European Commission to reassess Privacy Shield

European parliamentarians have called for an immediate review of the Privacy Shield EU-US data transfer framework due to concerns about privacy protections being undermined in the US

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Thursday 6 April 2017

Anti-trust complaints target Microsoft in the European Union

Microsoft comes under pressure as software suppliers raise market abuse complaints with the European Commission over bundling of Defender security software with Windows

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McAfee report reveals five challenges to cyber threat intelligence

McAfee Labs’ latest report details the challenges facing threat intelligence sharing efforts and reveals growing trends in malware, ransomware, mobile malware and other threats

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Interview: F-Secure’s Mikko Hyppönen on the Nordics, Russia and the internet of insecure things

Computer Weekly sat down with Finnish cyber security expert Mikko Hyppönen to talk about security in the Nordics, Russia and the trouble with connected devices

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Do Cracked Games Contain Viruses And Malware?

Are cracked video games safe to download?

Now days nearly every video game gets cracked and is easily available to download from various websites, causing millions in damages to developers and publishers. But downloading cracked games is still popular amongst many people.

But the real question is, do cracked games contain viruses and malware? Can they threaten your privacy?

Well, yes and no.

It all depends on where you are getting your cracked games from. But in reality, nearly 80% of places that give out these cracked games include virus and malware and bitcoin miners into the package.

This malicious software can easily go undetected by even the most powerful anti-viruses.

So how should you protect yourself?

The only obvious way to protect your privacy from hackers and cyber criminals are to stop downloading cracked versions of the video game and instead by them off through steam or any other key merchants.

Getting a key from a key merchant is the easiest, cheapest and the best way to get games off the internet. But if for some reason you still want to download cracked versions of games, then you need to be very careful.

First of all, only get the stuff from groups that have a respectable image in the industry. Known groups will never add in any malicious software with the games they crack, however, there is still a risk with them.

Your system should ideally be equipped with anti-virus and anti-malware software that are created by reliable security companies. Remember, getting anti-virus software from an unreliable source could mean the anti-virus itself is a malicious software trying to take control of your system or exposing your private data to cyber criminals.

There are only a few reliable sources where you can download cracked games for testing purposes. Other sites that claim to offer the game for free are usually giving you something else and it is very easy to be scammed by these sites.

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