Thursday 31 August 2017

Two-thirds of UK firms hiring for GDPR

Most UK firms are planning to hire extra staff to help them meet the requirements of the EU’s new data protection regulation

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Security Think Tank: Resilience means preparing for unpreventable cyber threats

What key things should organisations be doing in terms of cyber defences to ensure they are resilient?

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Wednesday 30 August 2017

Executive interview: Stuart Tarmy on the technical challenges of GDPR compliance

It is a single line in GDPR, but the right to be forgotten has huge implications on corporate IT. Io-Tahoe vice-president, Stuart Tarmy, explains why

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CeX breach shows personal data is still vulnerable

A breach of the personal details of more than two million customers of used technology goods store CeX has prompted fresh calls for better data protection by retailers

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Security Think Tank: Look to frameworks, guidance and legislation to boost resilience

What key things should organisations be doing in terms of cyber defences to ensure they are robust/resilient?

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Researcher finds over 711 million compromised email accounts

A security researcher has discovered a spambot using more than 711 million compromised email accounts to spread data-stealing malware

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Tuesday 29 August 2017

The NIS Directive: the implications for UK technology businesses

With the European Union NIS Directive to be implemented into UK law in May 2018, it is important for technology companies to ascertain if and how they will be affected

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UK local councils failing on key GDPR requirement

Most UK local authorities are unable to meet the EU General Data Protection Regulation’s right-to-be-forgotten requirement, and nearly a quarter of firms have yet to hire a data protection officer

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Security Think Tank: No one-size-fits-all security solution

What key things should organisations be doing in terms of cyber defences to ensure they are robust/resilient?

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Google removes Play Store apps used in WireX DDoS botnet

Google has axed around 300 Play Store apps after security researchers revealed the apps were hijacking Android devices to carry out DDoS attacks

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UK critical infrastructure skipping security checks

Almost two-fifths of the UK’s national infrastructure providers have not completed basic cyber security steps recommended by the UK government, an FOI response shows

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Friday 25 August 2017

Business confidence in managing digital threats low, survey shows

Business digital transformation and cyber threats have outpaced enterprise security capacity, a survey has revealed

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Security professionals name top causes of breaches

Security professionals have named the top reasons for successful cyber attacks, which are affecting more than half of organisations

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US arrests Chinese national for using malware linked to OPM hack

US authorities have arrested a Chinese national for allegedly using malware linked to a breach of millions of records at the US federal personnel agency

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Thursday 24 August 2017

Future of dark web markets not yet in question, says analyst

AlphaBay and Hansa shutdowns are unlikely to jeopardise the future of dark web markets, according to a security analyst

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Flashpoint warns of under-the-radar phishing campaigns

Simple but hard-to-detect phishing campaigns are targeting all industry sectors as a key enabler of business email compromise attacks, security analysts warn

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Mac malware continuing to escalate, warn security researchers

Malware targeting the Mac operating system has seen a significant growth in the first half of this hear, according to security firm Malwarebytes

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UK business welcomes government post-Brexit data sharing plan

Business has welcomed government proposals for data protection to enable unhindered data sharing with the EU after Brexit

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Wednesday 23 August 2017

Russian hackers expose allegedly doping footballers

Russian hacking group Fancy Bear has exposed 150 footballers worldwide for allegedly taking banned substances, underlining the importance of protecting personal data

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Tuesday 22 August 2017

Mimecast calls for action to counter game-changing email exploit

Email security firm warns of a newly-discovered email exploit that could be a game-changer if used by attackers

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Industrial robots a security risk, warns IOActive

Some of the most popular industrial and domestic robot brands have various vulnerabilities that could by exploited by cyber attackers, a research paper warns

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Cyber criminals hack Enigma to steal $500,000 in Ethereum

Hackers have reportedly used stolen contact details to trick investors into sending funds to a fake trading platform digital wallet, but some allege poor password security is to blame

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Monday 21 August 2017

NotPetya highlights cyber risk in shipping industry

Malware attack has shown that the shipping industry is vulnerable to cyber attacks, with Danish shipping giant Maersk reporting potential cost of up to $300m

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Microsoft SPE helps joined-up thinking

We assess how Microsoft’s secure productive enterprise licence can help enterprises coordinate their digital transformation

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AI leaders call for a stop on development of autonomous weapons

Business leaders and artificial intelligence experts sign an open letter to governments warning of the risks of an AI arms race in autonomous weapons

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GCHQ knew WannaCry hero risked arrests by travelling to the US

UK intelligence officials were reportedly aware that security researcher Marcus Hutchins risked arrest by travelling to the US to attend a series of cyber security conferences

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Sunday 20 August 2017

Top UK directors lack training to deal with cyber attacks

The UK’s top firms and charities urgently need to do more to protect themselves from online threats, according to a government-backed audit

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Friday 18 August 2017

Researchers find potentially lethal car hack with no quick fix

Security researchers have discovered a supplier-neutral and stealthy smart car hack that can drastically affect the performance and function of the vehicle

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Thursday 17 August 2017

School leavers urged to look at cyber security apprenticeships

Cyber security apprenticeships are a good alternative to ‘clearing’ and debts, according to security certification body, Crest

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UK rail passengers don’t trust on-board Wi-Fi

YouGov survey commissioned by Cobham Wireless finds UK commuters are increasingly frustrated with connectivity standards on the rail network

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Cyber criminals command top-level attacks, warns Check Point

Businesses need to rethink cyber defences with nation-state attack tools in the hands of ordinary cyber criminals, warns Check Point

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LG Electronics hit by suspected WannaCry attack

LG Electronics have been hit by ransomware that uses malicious code that could signal another WannaCry attack

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Developers lack skills needed for secure DevOps, survey shows

The growing demand for developers with security skills is outpacing supply, but a survey reveals that a lack of formal security education and training by employers is contributing to the growing skills gap

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Wednesday 16 August 2017

NotPetya attack cost up to $300m, says Maersk

Danish shipping line Maersk estimates that the NotPetya cyber attack in June cost the company up to $300m

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UK workers interested in cyber security, survey shows

Many UK workers are interested in cyber security and would consider a career in the field, a survey has revealed, which could help close the skills gap

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Regulation and impact of cyber attacks driving security spending

Awareness of the impact of cyber attacks on business and regulation are expected to be the top drivers of continued and increased spending on cyber security, according to research firm Gartner

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Hackers hit Holyrood with Westminster-style brute-force attack

The Scottish parliament has been hit by a cyber attack similar to the one that struck Westminster in June

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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Leaked SMB exploits make malware powerful, warns Cylance

Four key exploits at the heart of hacking tools leaked by the Shadow Brokers have given malware authors a lot of power, say security researchers

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Exploit leaks are a cyber security game changer, says Kaspersky Lab

Leaked exploits became the game changer of the cyber threat landscape in the second quarter of 2017, say security researchers

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WannaCry hero Marcus Hutchins under house arrest

Briton, 23, pleads not guilty to charges of writing and distributing malware

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Monday 14 August 2017

The Data Protection Bill is about securing UK data leadership

The UK’s new data protection legislation is vital to a successful Brexit and for continued UK leadership in technology

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Statistics show retailers need to improve data security

Data breach statistics show retailers need to address customer data security ahead of the GDPR compliance deadline, a law firm has warned

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NHS Digital signs cyber security agreement with Microsoft

In the wake of the global WannaCry ransomware attacks, NHS Digital has signed a cyber security support agreement with Microsoft

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HBO stands firm as hackers release more stolen content

HBO appears to be standing firm and refusing to negotiate with hackers as more stolen television content is released

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Friday 11 August 2017

Malicious email spikes in Q2, reports Proofpoint

Malicious email campaigns saw a spike in volume and increased variety in the second quarter of 2017, a cyber security report reveals

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Russian cyber espionage group targeting hotel Wi-Fi

A Russian cyber espionage group is targeting hotel Wi-Fi networks to carry out malware infections and potentially steal credentials, researchers warn

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Manufacturing a key target for cyber attacks

Manufacturers are a key and growing target for cyber criminals, a threat intelligence report reveals

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Thursday 10 August 2017

China tests hack-proof quantum satellite communications

China has tested a prototype communication system that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to make it impossible for hackers to access

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Kaspersky Lab to drop EU complaint against Microsoft

Security firm Kaspersky Lab is to drop a complaint that Microsoft is abusing its market dominance to promote its security software in light of changes to the latest Windows 10

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New TalkTalk fine takes total for poor data protection to £500,000

Information Commissioner’s Office fines TalkTalk for putting up to 21,000 customers’ details at risk of exposure prior to September 2014

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via Zoe Hamilton Verify fails to meet key business case targets

Government’s controversial online identity system has missed important milestones that formed the basis of its original 2015 business case

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ICO hits out at misinformation about GDPR

The Information Commissioner’s Office has warned against misinformation about the EU’s new data protection rules and how they will be applied

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Wednesday 9 August 2017

HBO hacking gets personal

Theft of data from US television network has become personal with the release of details of actors in Game of Thrones and could signal a trend of cyber attacks on entertainment firms

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Websites giving hackers easy access, audit reveals

Many company websites still contain critical vulnerabilities that cyber criminals can use to carry out a variety of cyber attacks, a security audit shows

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WannaCry hero malware trial postponed

The US court appearance of British WannaCry hero on charges of writing and distributing malware has been postponed

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Tuesday 8 August 2017

WannaCry hero due in court on malware charges

The Briton who played a key role in halting the global WannaCry ransomware attacks is due in court in the US to face charges in connection with the Kronos banking Trojan

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Security Think Tank: Use a combination of approaches to create cyber safe work environments

What are the best security controls to ensure a safe working environment where employees do not have the unfair pressure of being the first line of cyber defence?

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NIS Directive plans show UK is serious about tackling cyber threats

UK government plans to implement the EU’s Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive have been welcomed for assuring its commitment to cyber defence post-Brexit

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Child cyber exploration good for the UK, says ex-GCHQ head

Children should be encouraged to spend more time online learning cyber skills to inspire future generations of computer scientists, cyber defenders and engineers, says former GCHQ head

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Monday 7 August 2017

UK mulls hefty fines for CNI providers with poor cyber security

The UK is considering the same hefty fines for critical national infrastructure (CNI) providers with poor cyber security as those failing to protect the personal data of UK citizens

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Security industry welcomes planned UK Data Protection Bill

The cyber security industry has generally welcomed planned UK data protection legislation, but some say it is hypocritical in the light of the Investigatory Powers Act

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Cultural change a critical but neglected element of IoT security

Managing how people within an enterprise deal with data is a vital element of shoring up security around the internet of things, says Vodafone

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UK calls for smart car cyber protection

A new generation of internet-connected cars will have to be better protected from cyber attackers, under tough new UK government guidance

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Sunday 6 August 2017

Government to strengthen UK data protection law

New legislation will require social media platforms to delete information about children and adults when asked

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Friday 4 August 2017

Security Think Tank: Five security controls to keep employees out of cyber firing line

What are the best security controls to ensure a safe working environment where employees do not have the unfair pressure of being the first line of cyber defence?

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Security audits reveal poor state of corporate cyber defences

Critical vulnerabilities detected in 47% of corporate systems investigated in security audits by Positive Technologies

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Manchester to host international freedom of information event

Manchester is to host an international conference exploring the future of transparency and access to information in the UK and worldwide

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FBI arrests UK WannaCry hero on malware charges

The Briton credited with stopping the WannaCry global malware attacks in their tracks in May has been arrested in the US on malware charges

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Thursday 3 August 2017

Cyber criminals make it difficult to follow the money

Following the money is a classic technique used by law enforcement to link criminals to crimes by tracing associated financial exchanges, but that may not be easy in the case of the WannaCry attacks

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Security Think Tank: Use the work environment to educate on cyber security

What are the best security controls to ensure a safe working environment where employees do not have the unfair pressure of being the first line of cyber defence?

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Ransom DDoS attacks on the rise

The use of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks to extort money from organisations is on the rise, warns security firm Kaspersky Lab

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IT pros look to endpoint security to counter custom malware

IT professionals are focusing on endpoint security in the face of custom malware that is bypassing traditional perimeter defences, a survey shows

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Wednesday 2 August 2017

Security Think Tank: Are employees cyber pawns or cyber heroes?

What are the best security controls to ensure a safe working environment where employees do not have the unfair pressure of being the first line of cyber defence?

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US plans IoT security legislation, but UK unlikely to follow

US Republican and Democrat senators have proposed legislation seeking to address security vulnerabilities in IoT devices

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Apple share price reaches record high on quarterly results

Apple’s share price rose 6% in after-hours trading to reach a record high in response to the company’s quarterly financial report

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Blockchain: why and how are companies deploying digital ledgers

In this video we speak to Juniper Research about the findings from its latest research into the rollout of Blockchain

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Tuesday 1 August 2017

Security Think Tank: Employees should only have to worry about social engineering

What are the best security controls to ensure a safe working environment where employees do not have the unfair pressure of being the first line of cyber defence?

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Businesses failing to understand GDPR compliance status

With less than a year to go before the General Data Protection Regulation compliance deadline, many businesses are floundering, while others are embracing data-centric security to fast-track compliance

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SMEs failing to address cyber threats despite risks

Small to medium enterprises are failing to prepare adequately to address cyber threats – despite the risks – because of a false sense of security, particularly in the UK, a survey has revealed

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UK to call on US tech giants to step up fight against extremism

The UK is to call on US tech giants to take more decisive action against extremist groups that use their online platforms

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Security Think Tank: Is a ‘cyber-safe working environment’ a reasonable target?

What are the best security controls to ensure a safe working environment where employees do not have the unfair pressure of being the first line of cyber defence?

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