Thursday 6 October 2016

Security Fatigue Can Put You At Serious Security Threats

Regularly update your password to protect yourself from system hacks

Regularly update your password to protect yourself from system hacks

Have you ever been tired of updating your password? Have you ever come across a scenario where you are so tired that you don’t feel like creating a new account with a strong password to follow?

This is something we like to call security fatigue.

A recent study conducted by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have found that a lot of home based computer users go through security fatigue and that is often the number one cause of getting hacked.

If you do not take security seriously, you will always put yourself under threat. You should always update your password and try your best to come up with complex passwords.

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The post Security Fatigue Can Put You At Serious Security Threats appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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