Thursday 1 September 2016

Mr Robot & A “Dream Device For Hackers”

MR-ROBOTHave you been watching Mr. Robot on USA? Great show and you can get on Amazon. Elliot is a great character and there are a lot of twists and turns. Some of it is cheezy, but hey what television shows don’t have some cheez to it!

#fsociety is always coming up with sneaky ways to penetrate and a main one has been via connected devices.

I love the term PWN Phone and Elliot’s “dream device for a pentester” is used to run a custom script to PWN another phone.  Want one? Check out

So PwNIE Express is actually giving away  Mr. ROBOT phone. You gotta check it out

All I can say is check out the company and how they feel about “hacking”, “testing”, etc….

There are so many exploits out there today and if you watch Mr. Robot you might just get some ideas 😉

QUIZ: What does Elliot do with it? Beuller…. Beuller… leave your answer in the comments below for a chance to win a PWN Phone….

You can’t not like the character of Elliot, but where will the show take us?

Which episode has been your favorite so far?


The post Mr Robot & A “Dream Device For Hackers” appeared first on Cyber Security Portal.

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