Wednesday 7 September 2016

The Ultimate 5 Cybersecurity Job Securing Tips You Need To Pen Down Right Now!

cybersecurity entry level jobs

How to secure entry level jobs in cybersecurity

Did you know according to new survey, there are about 1 million job openings in Cybersecurity in 2016?

With so many job openings, there are bound to be many candidates too. Since experienced people are preferred, it does not mean that you should stay behind thinking whether you will have a chance at getting that dream job of yours or not. Here are 5 ultimate cyber security job securing tips that can help you get among the experienced candidates and land a job.

1.Don’t Opt For Old School Resumes, Its The Time Of LinkedIn Profiles

  • Still trying to apply for a job through an old school resume? Ditch it. Cybersecurity is an IT related field, that means the people hiring you are also IT maestros. The best way to impress them? Through your LinkedIn Profile. Your ideal profile should list down your expertise and why you are the best. You should list down appropriate certifications, education, employment history and other things that back your profile. Don’t mention that you are looking for a job and you will have employers sending you offers to your doorstep.

2. Have a lot of patience

  • Did you know that employers actually need you more than you need them? If you are a professional in your field, then have some patience because you are likely going to find yourself being asked to work for companies. Portray yourself as an expert in your field with your LinkedIn profile mentioned above. Be patient and keep looking for jobs and try to find ways you can show your skills to employers through online forums and other places where IT gurus gather.

3. Put Out A Word For Yourself

  • If you’re looking for a job, there is nothing wrong with asking the help of your friends and family. Many people working in companies require IT security professionals from time to time. Don’t assume if your friend is working in a bank, they don’t need security professionals. Let him/her know that you are available for work should an opportunity arise in their cybersecurity department. Sometimes job openings are not advertised, this is where reference comes in.

4. Attend Conferences

  • There are no shortages of cybersecurity conferences. Most of these are attended by big name employers. They are looking for talent. Approach them in the conference and show them your skills. The next time they need someone to work for them, it will remind them of you.

5. Forget the Job Boards for Openings

Job boards are getting increasingly saturated with people from all walks of life. HR managers from companies usually don’t even look at the candidates properly that post their offers on job boards. The best way to get attention from HR staff is to come up with a way to get in touch with high level executives who are responsible for making the last decision in hiring new individuals.


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